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Category — Roz – The Person

A Lesson Learned – Do What Makes You Feel Good, Others Have No Place In The Equation Of You And Your Joy

A Lesson Learned – Do What Makes You Feel Good, Others Have No Place In The Equation Of You And Your Joy

Confession Time — I work VERY hard at keeping myself positive, joyful, motivated and inspired!  I make a conscious effort to look for things to prop me up, things that I can do for myself.

I’ve learned from experience… looking to others, or an event to happen… For one’s joy is a mistake and a disappointment waiting to happen.  Others can’t fix us, we need to fix ourselves!  We need to be our own cheerleaders!

Some years ago… I started to write a quote of the day.  Some of the quotes were by others and some were my own.  Those that were my own, were inspired by my daily life experiences at that time. This was to demonstrate lessons I learned and to inspire and motivate me and keep me as positive and joyful as I could be.  To add more value… I shared my personal comments and feelings on the subject.

While we are all unique and have our own special gifts and talents… There are some things about us that are not unique and are shared by others — feelings is one of them.  Therefore, I had hoped the quotes would inspire others as well, however, they received little attention.

After awhile I got discouraged and stopped writing the quotes. But… Something VERY odd happened! I began to notice an emptiness from within.  Oddly enough the quotes were like therapy and gave me a voice to share my thoughts and feelings.  The quotes kept me inspired! Imagine that… My own words inspired me. I was floored… The first time that happen, to say the least!

Sometimes we do things for the wrong reasons.  Our allegiance must be to ourselves first.  We need to do things that make us feel good, that inspire and motivate us, that bring us joy.  Expecting others to make us feel good or acknowledge our efforts is a mistake and disappointment waiting to happen.  I knew all this, but like you, I am a human being and sometimes we all need a little outside encouragement… WRONG!!! DO IT FOR YOURSELF!!!!

Find things that will prop you up, make you feel good about yourself, inspire you to move you toward fulfilling your dreams while filling you up so that you will have more to share with others.  REMEMBER:  We are all people first!


I am a fan of Joyce Meyer.  Joyce’s teachings are non-denominational and can apply to everyone.  Some  years ago she wrote a book which I keep by my bedside — A review is below:


What makes “100 Ways To Simplify Your Life” unique for me, is… The book will not only simplify your life, but will bring you peace and guide you to make your own decisions. Each of the 100 ways can be read alone, independent of each other!  The review will share a little game I play with it!


I would love to hear your thoughts and comments. I am on social under the profile of @RozSpirations. I look forward to sharing with you. Let’s create a “community of encouragement and inspiration!”

Have a good day!


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Luv & Hugs,

Roz Fruchtman aka @RozSpirations on Social

August 19, 2023   Comments Off on A Lesson Learned – Do What Makes You Feel Good, Others Have No Place In The Equation Of You And Your Joy

A Lesson Learned – Do What Makes You Feel Good, Others Have No Place In The Equation Of You And Your Joy

Confession Time — I work VERY hard at keeping myself positive, joyful, motivated and inspired!  I make a conscious effort to look for things to prop me up, things that I can do for myself.

I’ve learned from experience… looking to others for one’s joy is a mistake and a disappointment waiting to happen.  Others can’t fix us, we need to fix ourselves!  We need to be our own cheerleaders!

A couple of months ago I started to write a quote of the day.  Some of the quotes were by others and some were my own.  Those that were my own, were inspired by my daily life experiences at that time,  to demonstrate lessons I learned and to inspire and motivate me.  To add more value… I shared my personal comments and feelings on the subject.

While we are all unique and have our own special gifts and talents… There are some things about us that are not unique and are shared by others — feelings is one of them.  Therefore, I had hoped the quotes would inspire others as well, however, they received little attention.

After awhile I got discouraged and stopped writing the quotes. But… Something VERY odd happened! I began to notice an emptiness from within.  Oddly enough the quotes were like therapy and gave me a voice to share my thoughts and feelings.  They actually kept me inspired!

Sometimes we do things for the wrong reasons.  Our allegiance must be to ourselves first.  We need to do things that make us feel good, that inspire and motivate us, that bring us joy.  Expecting others to make us feel good or acknowledge our efforts is a mistake and disappointment waiting to happen.  I knew all this, but like you, I am a human being and sometimes we all need a little outside encouragement… WRONG!!! DO IT FOR YOURSELF!!!!

Find things that will prop you up, make you feel good about yourself, inspire you to move you toward fulfilling your dreams while filling you up so that you will have more to share with others.  REMEMBER:  We are all people first!


I am a fan of Joyce Meyer.  Joyce’s teachings are non-denominational and can apply to everyone.  A couple of years ago she wrote a book which I keep by my bedside — A review is below:


What makes “100 Ways To Simplify Your Life” unique for me, is… The book will not only simplify your life, but will bring you peace and guide you to make your own decisions. Each of the 100 ways can be read alone, independent of each other!  The review will share a little game I play with it!


I would love to hear your thoughts and comments.  Please share them in the Comment Box below. I look forward to sharing with you. Let’s create a “community of encouragement and inspiration!”

Have a good day!


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Luv & Hugs,

Roz Fruchtman

December 3, 2012   Comments Off on A Lesson Learned – Do What Makes You Feel Good, Others Have No Place In The Equation Of You And Your Joy

Roz Shares: New Year, New Me… OR, New Year, New You!

Geez, my moods change like the weather lately.  I don’t like that…  I’m up one minute, down the next.  Sounds like a mental problem, yeah?  NO… 

It all goes back to the saying “To do the SAME thing and expect DIFFERENT results is the definition of crazy!”  It may not be crazy, but it will slowly, but surely, drive you crazy!

I can honestly say “I Like Me, in fact… I LOVE the person I have become.  I am kinder, softer and more compassionate.  I could not always say that as I did not come from that kind of warm and fuzzy background.  It was something I did not even know I had within me.

Last year I heard Joyce Meyer say something that changed everything for me from that moment on.  I was already in a place of unrest for a long time, but I could not put my finger on it or better yet, I could not put it into words.  Joyce brought it all home for me.  She said something like: “If I lived to me 90 or 100, I’ve already lived more than half my life already and I made up my mind to make the last third the best and most productive!”  This is pretty close, but I’m paraphrasing here.

What I Say…

At 66, I’ve lived more years than I have left and I want the rest to be as joyous, fun filled, productive, honest, full of contribution and learning and so much more. I’m committed to making this happen, no matter what!


Life is fleeting, it can change in a split second.  Ask me how I know.  Here are a few examples:

  • Most recently… I had been out when a severe storm hit – in some places it was a tornado.  I managed to “VERY carefully” get home safely – after the lightening subsided. I walked into my apartment building’s lobby, sent a silent Thank You up to God for getting me home safe, and the next thing I knew I was not walking to the elevator, I slid to the elevator as I slipped on the marble floor ~ because of the lack of a runner!  Maybe it was a life lesson of how quickly things could change.  I was fortunate as things could have been much worse — even though I spent over 5 hours in the hospital emergency room and am still sore.
  •  Two years earlier I was coming back from a two mile walk on Mother’s Day.  I had just picked up a few healthy treats on the way home and was heading back for a night of relaxation and excitement watching the Finale of Celebrity Apprentice.  As I walked, I was feeling very good about myself and my recent accomplishment (my 2 mile walk and my decision to eat healthier – this had been a new decision),  when the next thing I knew I was laying on the concrete face-down with a bloody lip and much pain.  I tripped on an uneven sidewalk that is still not fixed more than two years later.  That time I was stuck in for most of the summer and fall and only went out to doctors and to shop for food.  Still I was lucky I did not kill myself the way I fell.  So I count my blessings and move on, glad to be here – even with the lingering back pain.   Once again, my point… Life can change in the blink of an eye!
  • One last example:  A little more than four years ago I was walking down the halfway of my apartment when suddenly I saw a “drape like curtain come across my right eye!”  I rubbed it, shook my head and finally it cleared and my vision was restored — but I was left with a shadow in the peripheral vision of the right eye.  Two weeks later I was operated on for a “detached retina!” By the time I had the surgery I had “only a slit” of vision in that eye.  Once again I was fortunate, my eyesight was restored through God’s favor and an excellent Retina Surgeon who I am sure God was watching over.

When I was growing up you only heard of old people dying.  Now people die at any age — even little babies and small children who had their entire lives ahead of them – whose only crime was lying in their crib resting or on their way home from school when a stray bullet struck them dead or through a drunk driver’s negligence.

Today I sit here feeling very positive as I look to a New Year full of new achievements and changes.  This is not just lip service.  It has become more painful to continue doing things the very same way as I’ve done before.  I deserve more.  I want more and I WILL HAVE more! AND… SO SHOULD YOU!!!

I share this with you ONLY becausae I NEVER consider myself unique in my feelings and life’s challenge.  I just might be a bit more outspoken and honest to admit it:  “It’s time to move on as I am not happy with the way things are!”

If we don’t take risks we will surely live a life of failure… failure to have the experience of growing and sharing life’s experiences with others. Through every challenge there is a life lesson.  It could be as simple as: “Now I know what does not work!” OR, “WOW… I DID IT!”

Join Me…

One does not have to wait until a New Year to begin again.  EACH SECOND you have breath is a NEW BEGINNING!


I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on the subject.  Please type them in the Comments Box below. I look forward to sharing with you. Let’s create a “community of encouragement and inspiration!”

Say Thank You

Let’s make it a point to “Thank at least one person a day!”

THANK “YOU” for taking the time to read this.  I hope you will click on one of the buttons below the post to share it with others!


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Luv & Hugs,

Roz Fruchtman

September 18, 2010   Comments Off on Roz Shares: New Year, New Me… OR, New Year, New You!

Roz Engages In A Time of Reflection and Self Truth

With Rosh Hashanah right around the corner… My mind is filled with thoughts of reflection, repentance and the idea of starting new.

For those not familiar with the Jewish faith, Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year.  By tradition, Rosh Hashanah is a time to reflect on past sins and misdeeds.  It is a time to repent and ask forgiveness, forgive others and ultimately as with any new year, it is a time to begin again with a fresh and clean slate.

Last year I realized the person I needed to ask forgiveness of “was me!”  I don’t know about you, but sometimes I think we are our own worst enemies — I know I am.

So I’m beginning early… I’m on a mission to take my life back, relearn how to focus and concentrate on the things “I want for me!”


I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on the subject.  Please type them in the Comments Box below. I look forward to sharing with you. Let’s create a “community of encouragement and inspiration!”

Say Thank You

Let’s make it a point to “Thank at least one person a day!”

THANK “YOU” for taking the time to read this.  I hope you will click on one of the buttons below the post to share it with others!


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Roz Fruchtman

August 25, 2010   Comments Off on Roz Engages In A Time of Reflection and Self Truth

Roz Rambles: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow!

The quotes I chose or write are inspired by life in general, lots of times my own.  I never consider myself to be unique in my feelings, so I figure… “If I am feeling a certain way, so are others, they just might not be as vocal about it!”


When I grew up we kept our feelings to ourselves.  Everything was hidden behind closed doors which really made things worse as we truly did feel alone ~ or worse yet, thought “this was our lot in life!”


In today’s age, most are willing to share the good with the bad and others of us are feeling that we “really were not unique” in how we were either encouraged, discouraged or abused growing up.  Verbal abuse is abuse too and carries worse scars.


It is NEVER too late to start new!  Tomorrow is as close as the next second when you DECIDE!


Tony Robbins says:  “If you learned from your mistakes you did NOT fail!” True failure is giving up!  Being flexible and refocusing is NOT giving up!


I say:   “Challenges are life’s stepping stones to success. ~Roz Fruchtman”


It is said: “Give What You Need and It Will Come Back to You Many Times Over”  ~ not necessarily from the person you give to! No matter what… it feels good to give and I hope that someone will find encouragement and hope through my sharing!  On the other hand it feels good to receive and know that someone cares and we ARE NOT alone!


No matter what… “We are ALL people first!”  As we’ve seen many times over…  those with the most money are not always the happiest and too many have gone to early graves because of their unhappiness!


Please share your comments in the Comment Box below.  I look forward to sharing with you. Let’s create a “society of inspiration!”

Have a good day!


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Luv & Hugs,

Roz Fruchtman

June 24, 2010   Comments Off on Roz Rambles: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow!