Today is the First Day of the Rest of My Life – Here’s to a New Year, New Me, New You, New US ~Welcome to 2014!


Happy New Year!  Welcome to 2014!

Today is the first day of the rest of my life!  How many times I’ve said that in the past decades.  I get a sick feeling each time I remember all the wasted time.  Realistically all that so-called wasted time brought me to the person I am today.  All that wasted time guided me to learn how to make right decisions and ultimately to embracing a healthy attitude toward what success REALLY is as opposed to what failure REALLY is.  REAL success has NOTHING to do with money!

With all the hoopla of a new year and grand expectations I will admit I haven’t made any formal resolutions ~YET.  What I know is, I was NOT happy with the way things were and to me, it’s common sense to change them!  I DO have one or two things — maybe three —  that I WANT to achieve in the first quarter of 2013.  It’s not only a want, but a MUST!  The point is, I WANT the outcome of these things and I believe THAT wanting will be the GRAND motivator this time around.

In the past I’ve self sabotaged with so many plans it was absolutely impossible to achieve them. Last year I was burnt out multiple times and I’m still not where I want to be, but I’ve made hard decisions and changed my attitude toward those things that were crippling me for so long.

Why should you care?  Better yet… Why am I sharing this with you.  Well, I feel by me sharing, I might be able to inspire you to look forward with new eyes and a new attitude.  The most important thing I learned last year was that my failures were a thing, they were NOT me.  In other words if my dream or business failed, “I WAS NOT a failure!”  Until that point I was UNABLE to separate myself from the things I did or wanted to do.  Once I was able to make that separation, things began to move in a completely different direction, one that was positive and filled with joy.

Today really is the first day of the rest of my life, AND yours too!  WE CAN make a decision to change focus at ANY time, it does NOT have to be the beginning of any year.  It can happen in a split second! NOW or at ANY time!!!

In closing I’d like to encourage you to take some quiet time and THINK about the things YOU want to do, write them down.  THEN… DECIDE and list the actions necessary to achieve your desires and goals.  IF they don’t work, try something else.  IF that does not work, try something else.  Continue UNTIL you reach the YOUR desired outcome! NEVER NEVER NEVER give up, make adjustments and continue on!


I would love to hear your thoughts and comments.  Please share them in the Comment Box below. I look forward to sharing with you. Let’s create a “community of encouragement and inspiration!”

Have a great day!

Luv & Hugs,

Roz Fruchtman


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