Tuesday’s Quote – Your Past Is Not Your Future

Today’s quote is probably the most profound and the one that changed the course of my life forever ~FOR REAL!

Tuesday’s Quote

“Your Past is NOT Your Future!” ~Tony Robbins

The above words are simple and their meaning is self evident.  But what do they really mean?  Everything bad that has happened in your life up until this very moment “does not” and “does not have to” determine who you are now and in the future!  To me this meant… All the negative crap my mother and father dished out over the years was just that… crap!  It was NOT truth, it was mean spirited and it was more their disappointment in the way things were than in appreciating who I was in reality.  Unfortunately they both died without ever knowing who I really was!

Your Past is NOT Your Future…

What could this mean for you?  Let’s pretend you were working on a project.  You’ve tried a number of procedures and none of them worked.  You were just about ready to pull your hair out and throw up your hand — literally give up — but you pushed through your frustration and went on.  Lo and behold the very next thing you tried worked and you were now ready to move on to the next step.  Had you stopped when your efforts were not providing the outcome you were looking for, you might have WRONGLY considered yourself a failure.

However, considering yourself a failure when something is not working, is JUST PLAIN WRONG!  It would be more correct to say, I NOW KNOW what dos not work!

You may ask…

Who am I to tell you all of this? How do I know?  Simple:  I learned it, just like you will.


Please share your comments in the Comment Box below.  I look forward to sharing with you. Let’s create a “society of inspiration!”

Have a good day!


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Luv & Hugs,

Roz Fruchtman