Sunday’s Quote: When You Open Your Mind…

I had a very different quote planned for today, but I was inspired to write this one while listening to a teleseminar — at 5AM  — with Pam Brossman @PamBrossman who specializes in “Helping You to Build Your Brand Using Video Marketing,” and Lethia Owens @LiveYourBrand a Personal Branding Strategist who teaches you how to Live Your Brand because YOU are your brand.

Both ladies were off the hook with their “workable” ideas and solutions.  As each spoke I saw the possibilities and techniques in a very different way.  It’s not easy to admit, but I’ve known this for a while…  I already had the belief and the passion, but somehow I had lost my spirit.  Without spirit your attitude may as well be dead ~ a bit blunt, but VERY VERY true nonetheless!

I am happy to announce that spirit was reborn again during these two calls. Thus today’s quote “further down the page!”

Look, I’m not one to tell you everything is great when I know full well many are still suffering ~ some more than others.  But I AM here to encourage you NOT TO GIVE UP!!!  Sometimes… “We need to be OUR OWN cheer leaders!” Trust me… I’m not just talking “at you” here, I am speaking “to myself” as well!” Sometimes we just have to FORCE ourselves to take action ~ especially when it become more painful not to!

Sunday’s Quote

“When you open your mind wide, the opportunities WILL NOT just walk in, they WILL FLY in!” ~Roz Fruchtman


Please share your comments in the Comment Box below.  I look forward to sharing with you. Let’s create a “society of inspiration!”

Wishing you the best Sunday ever!


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Luv & Hugs,

Roz Fruchtman