Today’s quote is VERY near and dear to my heart! You see. I AM “a recovering perfectionist!” Can you relate?
Wednesday’s Quote
“Get’er Done – Shoot for 70% Perfection!” ~ Perry Lawrence
Perry Lawrence aka @AskMrVideo on Twitter is one of my Video Mentors. He was the very first video mentor I had ~along with Carrie Wilkerson aka @barefoot_exec on Twitter. I took a class with both Perry and Carrie called Video Magnetism. That’s another blog post! ;)
Recovering Perfectionism
I do care how I come across in a video ~and one should, however, when I’m creating a video and feel I’m getting too finicky, I can hear Perry’s voice whispering (well, maybe not whispering ;) in my ear… “Roz just get’re done – shoot for 70% perfection!!! You’ll improve as you go!”
It’s OK “Not To Be” Perfect
2010 Is The Year of Imperfection ~ It’s interesting… since I started doing video, I listen VERY closely to people talking LIVE on TV, on the web, during webinars, teleseminars – on stage. Many of these people I respect and admire, but some I did know before – for this exercise it does not matter whether I know them personally or not! What I listen for are “stumbles, pregnant pauses, actually anything that shows imperfection!” WAIT… before you think I’m mean or nuts… these stumbles and imperfections “tell me” It’s OK to be JUST YOU… NOT Ms Perfection! You see… We are ALL just people first! IF we were perfect we’d have nothing to strive for! ;)
HONESTY TIME ~ I did not always feel this way. It was a painful journey, and sometimes I slip, but my base is strong enough to pull myself back! I’d love to hear your thoughts?
Please share your comments in the Comment Box below. I look forward to sharing with you. Let’s create a “society of inspiration!”
Have a good day!
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Luv & Hugs,
Roz Fruchtman