Roz Says: EVERY Adversity is An Opportunity to Learn

For the last few days I’ve been having “viewing” challenges with this Blog ~

It all started when I created a Blog entry, published it and THEN decided I wanted to CHANGE the title and Permalink URL!

There was a little bit more involved in this, but from then on “I” could NOT see my blog when I clicked the TITLE link to go to the archived post or comment page.  I could see the Blog in FireFox, but NOT in IE7.x where I was working.

This went on for a few days, with me researching and asking others if they could see the Blog.  I myself was able to see it with no problem from my laptop which has IE8.x.

My two good friends Judith Tramayne ( @JudithTramayne on Twitter ), and Micki Wingate ( @EclecticAcademy on Twitter ) shared their precious time trying to help me resolve my issues.

Every Adversity is An Opportunity to Learn ~ YES IT IS!

We were not sure if this was an Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) issue or a WordPress issue or just an issue on my system.

It seemed odd, that ONLY I could NOT see MY Blog and everyone else could.  Odd indeed!

Judith found a Scan on the Microsoft Website that “searches for and fixes Internet Explorer issues.”  NOTE: The Scan “does not” do anything you do not want it to.  You DO have choices. The scan is from Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Services, AND… Judith used it first! ;)  Go here to check out your own Internet Explorer ~ mine was for Internet Explorer 7.  Check your version first!  THAT WAS NOT the issue for me and did not fix my WordPress problem.

Next Micki suggested I “disable ALL plugins!”  We were on to something here.  As soon as I disabled ALL the plugins I was back in business.

  • My blog showed up and began to work normally.
  • My blog loaded faster and all seemed well again, except I had no plugins ~ YET!

NOW the fun began… I started to “enable” the plugins”one-by-one!”  Each time I enabled a plugin I checked the Blog (oh, and I updated the plugins too).  For some odd reason the Sexy Bookmarks Plugin was the culprit, it was no longer working properly.  I have no idea why as it works on all my other Blogs with no problems.

Here comes the good part… 

Now that I could not use Sexy Bookmarks I got to try the Sociable for WordPress 3.0 Plugin by Tom Pokress!  YIPPEE… It does EXACTLY what I want and I’m in seventh heaven. 

I still want to know what is going on with Sexy Bookmarks and why it suddenly stopped working properly.  I’ll be contacting my webhost to see if there were any changes made to the server.  The really odd part is that ALL Blog Posts made BEFORE I tried to “change the permalink url” still worked fine with Sexy Bookmarks enabled!

I would truly love to hear your thoughts on this issue.  I’ll update as well when/if I ever find the answer.


I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on the subject.  Please type them in the Comments Box below. I look forward to sharing with you. Let’s create a “community of encouragement and inspiration!”

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Roz Fruchtman