Roz Shares – OMG My Site Has Been Hacked and I’m So Grateful?

 OMG, My Website Was Hacked!!!

I started this Blog post Tuesday evening without a care in the world, well nothing major anyway, but it seems the Internet Gods had something else in store for me.

Lo in behold in the middle of writing I received three back-to-back emails from Google.  Why on earth would Google write to little old me?  Well… Google wrote to let me know my site had been hacked and they were putting up a notice each time someone clicked on my link through their search engine to alert visitors of a possible Malware attack.  Something like “BEWARE Malware ~ DO NOT WALK, RUN AWAY!” (Google DID NOT say this exactly, but it was close!)

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AUTHOR’S NOTE:  Now that it is fixed, I can afford to be humorous. This was serious and NOT a joke.

Google was VERY kind, professional and helpful with instructions on what to do AND how to get it FIXED QUICK!

THANK YOU Google ~ IF it were not for you I would NOT know there was a problem because somehow I could NOT see it.  My site looked perfectly normal TO ME!!!  That’s yet another story as it seems all browsers and AntiVirus software is not created equal!

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IS THIS FOR REAL? Am I A Victim of a Scammer, Am I Being Spammed or Worse Yet, Is This Phishing?

My first thought was:  Is this real?  OR, was I being phished, scammed or spammed?   FOR REAL ~ My website was hacked!

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I am thrilled to report… My site has been cleaned and is  now working properly.  Google worked their magic by removing the dreaded Malware Notice in less than 12 hours.  Amazing to say the least ~THANK YOU GOOGLE!!!


How does this relate to gratitude?  Who would be grateful to have their website and business hacked?  Good questions…  You asked, I’ll tell!

My website ~ Say It With eCards at is a Judaic eCards website.  In less than four weeks Rosh Hashanah 5771, the Jewish New Year begins.  This is a busy time for my site.  It’s a time when the site gets the most visitors in a six week period!

Imagine if my site would have gotten hacked THEN rather than NOW? OMG!

So although I was not quite sure what would happen and how this hacking stuff would all shake out, I was grateful — IF it had to happen at all — it was BETTER NOW rather than THEN.

There is a lot more to follow on my site hacking adventure, so stay tuned.  I felt a little guilty falling behind on Wednesday’s Blog post as I AM a member of the Faith Barnard’s 30-Day Blogging Challenge on Facebook and planned on having my Wednesday’s Blog Post on Tuesday night to be ahead of the game for Wednesday!  As they say… “Better late than never!”


I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on the subject.  Please type them in the Comments Box below. I look forward to sharing with you. Let’s create a “community of encouragement and inspiration!”

Say Thank You

Let’s make it a point to “Thank at least one person a day!”

THANK “YOU” for taking the time to read this.  I hope you will click on one of the buttons below the post to share it with others!


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Luv & Hugs,

Roz Fruchtman