Why Everything is Different, Even When It Is The Same

In preparation for the 3rd Quarter and 2nd Half of 2010…

I’m spending part of Independence Day weekend going through old notebooks and gathering multiple notes I’ve made for article writing and blog posting in my area of expertise.  I’m ashamed to admit I have them all over the place, so now while relaxing I’m going through and getting them together! No point in reinventing the wheel! Besides…

Everything is Different, Even When It Is The Same

It’s interesting how every time we revisit a project or look at something again, we see it differently… As I read through my notes, more ideas come  through.

Have you ever noticed… How EVERY time we do things, even if they are the same things, they are different, BECAUSE… WE are different.  We are NEVER in the same place, whether in our personal or businesses lives.  Time moves on and so do we!

Isn’t life great!  EVERY second is a NEW beginning full of NEW opportunities to begin again!!!


Please share your comments in the Comment Box below. I look forward to sharing with you. Let’s create a “society of inspiration!”

Have a good day!


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Luv & Hugs,

Roz Fruchtman