Monday’s Quote: Honor Your Teachers – Both Human and Otherwise

None of us got where we are by ourselves.  Whether we were encouraged or discouraged ~ there are many someones to thank!

I came from a VERY negative and emotionally unsupportive upbringing.  I would not even share all that was said to me, but emotionally unsupportive says it all ~for now!

About 10 years ago I began learning I was not unique and certainly not the only one who was brought up in a verbally abusive household.

However… it is that very emotionally unsupportive background that has molded me into the compassionate, caring, loving and supportive person I am today!  It took me a lifetime to figure this out or more specifically after 911.  You are welcome to read about that here. Looking back, that was only the beginning!

I would imagine if I took the time to think of all those things, people and incidents which influenced me since I came to the web almost 20 years ago I’d probably have a laundry list of names and events.  This is why today’s quote intrigued me so much ~in fact I added a revised version of my own.

Monday’s Quote

“No matter what accomplishments you achieve, somebody helped you.” ~Althea Gibson

Roz’s Version:

“No matter who you are or what you’ve accomplished in your life, somebody or something helped you get there.  Give yourself the gift of time to think back, revisit and honor them all!” ~Roz Fruchtman

Enjoy your week!


Please share your thoughts and comments in the Comment Box below.  I look forward to sharing with you. Let’s create a “society of inspiration!”

Wishing you the best Monday and Week Ever!


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Luv & Hugs,

Roz Fruchtman