Monday’s Quote – Life Equals God’s Best Plus Life’s Challenges

I don’t know about you, but it annoys me to no end when people tell you to “adjust your mindset” when things go wrong or you had a bad moment or a moment of doubt or regret.  As far as I am concerned “it’s called being human!”  (A little compassion and understanding goes a long way every now and again!)  Today’s quote was inspired by me having just one of those moments. 

Monday’s Quote

“Life is made up of God’s Best and Life’s Challenges ~to deny either is not being 100% truthful and unrealistic! ~Roz Fruchtman

I rewrote the above quote a number of times and then let it sit and went to listen to Joel Osteen’s TV message for this week entitled how “God Can Speak to Us Even in Our Doubts!” Can you believe it?  It was spot on to what I was feeling!

I came back and reworded it to the above quote and posted it on my Facebook Page and elaborated more about it here.  I’m feeling a lot of doubts right now and being real about it makes me feel better and less like a hypocrite ~ smiling and being positive all the time!  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not wearing my heart on my sleeve, but I felt like sharing my thoughts with you as YOU may be  feeling the same way about something in your life!

What do you think? I would SOOOOOOOO like to know.  Please respond in the comments box below.

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Luv & Hugs,

Roz Fruchtman