Roz Shares – Why I’m Sharing Quotes and More

I’m going through some challenges myself right now.  I’m ok healthwise, I think… waiting on the Annual Checkup Tests now, but…

I’m going through some business related stuff.  What I’ve been doing has not worked the way I would like and I have to make some changes.  I’m not sure which way to go, but I will as I no longer what to continue on the same road I’ve traveled for the past 9 years. 

I’m proud to share:  Of course there have been major accomplishments and achievements in the last nine years, but times are different, I’m different, your different and our needs change.  Besides all of that… there is one major downfall I have to deal with.

SO… Why The Quotes…

We are all used to seeing people share “thought provoking quotes,” but I wanted to go the extra mile – for you and for myself.

We are all thinking and feeling human beings with daily or even moment-to-moment challenges we might not be able to share with others; we just do not want to share with others or just plain don’t feel comfortable sharing with others — who wants to share their personal business with the world! ;)  I thought if I shared some of my own feelings I could inspire you and help motivate you “by inspiring and motivating ME!”

We “cannot” depend on others for our joy.  We have to somehow find that joy from within.  When we depend on others we open ourselves up for disappointment by putting others in the impossible position of being there 24/7 for us.  It’s a blessing to have unconditional love and friendship, but we have to do our part as well to take care of us ~ which enables us to have more to share with others!

So if we can find a way to inspire and keep ourselves balanced — at least most of the time — we’ve won half the battle and so does everyone we come in contact with. I find this works for me. What do you think?

My goal is to help you by helping myself!  It’s not completely selfless, but who cares… it’s WIN/WIN!

Looking forward to your comments.  Please respond in the comment  box below.

Enjoy you day!

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Luv & Hugs,

Roz Fruchtman