Roz Says – Sometimes We Need To Give Ourselves Permission to Relax

I don’t know about you, but I forget to take time off to relax or to reward myself for a job well done!  What’s worse yet, I forget that IF I work on the weekend; really get engrossed in what I am doing and stay glued to the computer for all hours… I’m entitled to take some “ME TIME” during the week.  In fact, I’m entitled to take ME TIME ~ANYtime I want!  But I don’t!

Where’s by Joyce Meyer book: “Eat The Cookie, Buy The Shoes?”

This is a book on Celebration, and Giving Yourself Permission to Lighten [In my own words I’d say: “It’s a book that gives YOU the keys to give yourself permission to be GOOD TO YOU!”  Watch for my review on this book.  I’ve been through it once on CD!  Below is the link, I’d recommend it to everyone ~FOR REAL!

Eat The Cookie, Buy The Shoes – Joyce Meyer

Sometimes I feel like the Energizer Bunny, I just keep going and going and going until I conk out!  Thing is, with me… there is no replacement on burnout!!!

I’m feeling a little crazed today.  I had an early morning appointment with my Doctor for some blood work — Nothing serious, just my Annual Checkup. Some of the blood word required fasting for accuracy, so the appointment was set earlier than I would have liked!

When I returned home I was starving, but instead of preparing a balanced lunch I grabbed any old thing and wound up eating all afternoon.  All good stuff, but not balanced.  Now I’m feeling worn out — like I’d like to put my feet up and chill. I can, but it seems like I NEED TO give myself permission to do it!  Why do we do that to ourselves?

How about you?  Do you take ME TIME!  Do you give yourself permission to “just be you ~the person?” Do you reward yourself for a job well done, or “just because?” WE DESERVE IT, YOU KNOW! Why don’t we do it?

I’d love to hear your opinions on this subject.  I never consider myself unique and I know for sure, I am not alone in this!

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Luv & Hugs,

Roz Fruchtman