Roz on Change: What’s All This About Changing Who I Am? Who You Are? Who We Are? I Like Me…

I just visited a blog and it bugged me with all this nonsense about CHANGING who you are.  I LIKE ME!  It took me a lifetime to get to know THE REAL ROZ!

Yes… I am always looking for ways to improve, which I look at as growth. Growth is good. Growth is fun and learning new things is fun and healthy, it keeps one young and in touch.

I was brought up by non-emotionally supportive parents.  I was never good enough.  I was never like their friend’s children, they never liked my friends, I embarrassed them (only in their heads), etc. etc. It was non-ending!

Finally in 2002 or 2003 when I did my first program with Tony Robbins ~ “Get The Edge,” I unloaded all that old junk (for lack of a more colorful word).  Tony’s simple statement “Your Past Is Not Your Future” freed me forever. Before that I used to say: “I am where I came from,” or “I am a product of my upbringing!”  RUBBISH!

I DO embrace where I came from because it gave me a glimpse into the lives of what others might be feeling.  When I say “I know how you feel,” I DO!

I hate it that people are using that old language to get you to coach with them or buy their products.  It’s lousy marketing and disgusting that people are praying on all those old or perhaps in today’s economy with all its challenges…  NEW beliefs, fears of hangups.

I can’t write what I would really like to say, but…

There is NOTHING wrong with you:

  • Make your decisions using YOUR “good common sense!”
  • NEVER make a decision on emotion. It will be the wrong decision most of the time if you do.

Please comment below and let me/us know how YOU feel about this.  We can grow together!

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Looking forward to connecting and growing with you… here and in the World of Social Networking.