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RE-BRAND – Roz Fruchtman’s Say It With a Quote – NOW RozSpirations

Original May 7, 2015
Revised/Updated and Re-Posted July 26, 2023

Since I wrote the original blog post in 2015, I have rebranded. I am now writing under the name @RozSpirations 

JOIN US on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram for Daily Inspiration, Support and Community!

Quotes are all over the place.  We see them here, there and everywhere!

However, to me:  Quotes are not just fancy words.  Quotes inspire, Quotes support, and Quotes CHANGE lives.

When I was ill in early 2011, to say that Quotes made a big difference in my life would be an understatement.  To say they changed my path for recovery, would be more accurate.  Since then, it’s been on my heart to do something to share, encourage and inspire in a more official way.  Since May 2013 I have been posting “almost” daily quotes and notes of encouragement via my dedicated Facebook Page/Group and Twitter accounts. Since 2015 I have been posting daily, multiple times depending on social platform!

I’d like to invite you to JOIN US…

On Facebook:

https://www.Facebook.com/groups/RozSpirations (Community/Group)

https://www.Facebook.com/RozSpirations (PAGE)

On Twitter:

On Instagram:

Looking forward to seeing you there.  Have a FABBY day!

Luv & Hugs,

Roz Fruchtman aka @RozSpirations and @PhotoshopHaven

July 26, 2023   Comments Off on RE-BRAND – Roz Fruchtman’s Say It With a Quote – NOW RozSpirations

Roz Shares – How Everything Counts

UPDATED: July 23, 2023

This post was originally published in 2012, and an earlier one before that.
It’s message IS THAT IMPORTANT, I wanted to update it, and republish with a more current date!

Through the years the theory “of Everything Counting” is as true today as it was then.

Furthermore, these two small words changed my life and motivated me to begin projects knowing I could not finish them in one sitting ~ something I’m not proud to admit ~ because I would NEVER have done it before.

Consider this:

You need to clean up a room, clean out a closet, re-arrange a bookcase or perhaps paint your entire apartment or house.  In business it might be you want to re-do your website, create a new blog, install a shopping cart, do some filing, etc.  Whatever… you’ve been putting it off because you do not have a lot of time, so you say: “I’ll attack this project when I get more time” ~ or worse yet… “someday when I have more time!”  I am smiling as I write this – Can you see me? – I hope you are smiling too, because…

If you are like me, “someday” may never happen and the job grows monumentally in size and stress by the the time you do have the time.  Sometimes a large chunk of time, just never comes and the project never gets started.  It becomes a distant memory – worse yet an “accusing reminder” of the project that never was ~The opportunity that never came to fruition.

NOW… Consider this scenario:

You do a little today, maybe another chunk tomorrow and then more the next day or next week.  The point here is to get started!  One action — no matter how small — builds on the other and eventually the project gets done. NOTHING… “did you hear me”… NOTHING is too small, because EVERYTHING COUNTS!

This blog post was inspired by a sales training call years ago with my mentor Eric Lofholm.  Eric shared the now familiar theory that Everything Counts!”

On a personal note: 

Years later, I can still hear Eric Lofholm’s words ringing in my ears, each time I start a new project, a project I might not have started otherwise. It never occurred to me, that “everything really does count” towards achieving my goal to creating or painting if you will, the bigger picture. Even throwing out a piece of paper, one piece of junk mail, or even washing one cup counts. CONSIDER THIS: Those things (the one piece of paper, the one piece of junk mail, or even the one cup) WILL NOT be there — to do — the next time!


I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on the subject.  Please type them in the Comments Box below. I look forward to sharing with you. Let’s create a “community of encouragement and inspiration!”

Say Thank You

Let’s make it a point to “Thank at least one person a day!”

THANK “YOU” for taking the time to read this.  I hope you will click on one of the buttons below the post to share it with others!


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Stay Inspired Daily on Facebook – @RozSpirations

Stay Inspired Daily on Twitter – @RozSpirations

Luv & Hugs,

Roz Fruchtman

July 23, 2023   Comments Off on Roz Shares – How Everything Counts

CanvaKala WordPress Plugin – Photoshop Like Effects Right Inside Your WordPress Blog

CanvaKala the NEW WordPress Plugin that will allow you to have Photoshop-like effects right inside your WordPress Blog – AND have LAYERS TOO!!!  Layers in WordPress, OMG!!!

PLUS:  22 bonuses from me (WILL BE ADDED in your JVZoo member area.
These have not been added yet, so contact me if they are not there when you buy!

CanvaKala’s features include:

– Add to any WP Site in 30 seconds
– Finds 2 Million+ Images – Instantly for your use.
– Adds a Full Photoshop like Editor to your site.
– Apply Instagram like Filters to all your images – in 1 Click.
– Adds 100+ Special Effects and Google WebFonts
– Create & Edit Unlimited Images – with LAYERS Support
– Newbie Friendly, Fully Tested – No tech skills needed.
– Every WordPress Site on the planet needs this…

Check it out and get it here: http://rozfruchtman.com/CanvaKala

DOORS OPEN AT 9am EST on 15th Aug

You’ll NEVER have to spend more than 5 seconds finding Images or Fire up a Photo-Editing Software ever again while creating your blog posts/content…

(Ok, that is what they are saying, if you are anything like me/Roz, it may take you a little longer to pick out just the perfect image for YOUR blog post or other image content.  But that’s a personal choice! The CanvaKala WordPress Plugin WILL CERTAINLY help make YOUR LIFE so much simpler.  I use Photoshop daily, and sometimes it would be great to just be able to whip up an image quickly! ;)

Check it out and get it here: http://rozfruchtman.com/CanvaKala

Thanks for reading.

Roz Fruchtman @PhotoshopHaven


August 15, 2015   Comments Off on CanvaKala WordPress Plugin – Photoshop Like Effects Right Inside Your WordPress Blog

Today is the First Day of the Rest of My Life – Here’s to a New Year, New Me, New You, New US ~Welcome to 2014!


Happy New Year!  Welcome to 2014!

Today is the first day of the rest of my life!  How many times I’ve said that in the past decades.  I get a sick feeling each time I remember all the wasted time.  Realistically all that so-called wasted time brought me to the person I am today.  All that wasted time guided me to learn how to make right decisions and ultimately to embracing a healthy attitude toward what success REALLY is as opposed to what failure REALLY is.  REAL success has NOTHING to do with money!

With all the hoopla of a new year and grand expectations I will admit I haven’t made any formal resolutions ~YET.  What I know is, I was NOT happy with the way things were and to me, it’s common sense to change them!  I DO have one or two things — maybe three —  that I WANT to achieve in the first quarter of 2013.  It’s not only a want, but a MUST!  The point is, I WANT the outcome of these things and I believe THAT wanting will be the GRAND motivator this time around.

In the past I’ve self sabotaged with so many plans it was absolutely impossible to achieve them. Last year I was burnt out multiple times and I’m still not where I want to be, but I’ve made hard decisions and changed my attitude toward those things that were crippling me for so long.

Why should you care?  Better yet… Why am I sharing this with you.  Well, I feel by me sharing, I might be able to inspire you to look forward with new eyes and a new attitude.  The most important thing I learned last year was that my failures were a thing, they were NOT me.  In other words if my dream or business failed, “I WAS NOT a failure!”  Until that point I was UNABLE to separate myself from the things I did or wanted to do.  Once I was able to make that separation, things began to move in a completely different direction, one that was positive and filled with joy.

Today really is the first day of the rest of my life, AND yours too!  WE CAN make a decision to change focus at ANY time, it does NOT have to be the beginning of any year.  It can happen in a split second! NOW or at ANY time!!!

In closing I’d like to encourage you to take some quiet time and THINK about the things YOU want to do, write them down.  THEN… DECIDE and list the actions necessary to achieve your desires and goals.  IF they don’t work, try something else.  IF that does not work, try something else.  Continue UNTIL you reach the YOUR desired outcome! NEVER NEVER NEVER give up, make adjustments and continue on!


I would love to hear your thoughts and comments.  Please share them in the Comment Box below. I look forward to sharing with you. Let’s create a “community of encouragement and inspiration!”

Have a great day!

Luv & Hugs,

Roz Fruchtman


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January 2, 2014   Comments Off on Today is the First Day of the Rest of My Life – Here’s to a New Year, New Me, New You, New US ~Welcome to 2014!

Roz Asks – What Are You Doing Today to Celebrate 12-12-12?

12-12-12 ~ For most this is a once-in-a-lifetime event.  What are you doing today to celebrate 12-12-12?

Perhaps you are having a sale or taking advantage of one.  It’s gonna be an interesting time on the web today!


I would love to hear your thoughts and comments.  Please share them in the Comment Box below. I look forward to sharing with you. Let’s create a “community of encouragement and inspiration!”

Have a great day!

Luv & Hugs,

Roz Fruchtrman


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December 12, 2012   Comments Off on Roz Asks – What Are You Doing Today to Celebrate 12-12-12?